Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Guys you've got it a little easier!

Ok sorry guys. I hate to blog this BUT......
As if crohn's isn't bad enough. With stomach cramps and bathroom issues. Us ladies have to deal with PMS too. One thing that I am definitely finding is that 1x a month my stomach cramps and diarrhea get alot worse and then I started connecting the dots. I feel like I am about to have another flare up and then I look at the calender. Sometimes it can be so bad that I contemplate the ER or another dreaded doctor visit.
Not that most of you GUYS care about this. But, I do find it interesting that it effects me as much as it does. So maybe the ladies would find it interesting.
All of that to say.....
Eve should have kept her apple to herself and my life would be much better.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Undergoing MyBlogLog Verification

Things we think are lost

When I was in high school, I used to enjoy running. Yes, I was one of those people. I ran in raod races and ran long distance on our track team. I wasn't very good, but I enjoyed it tremendously.

Within 6 months after graduating from high school, I was showing pretty severe signs of Crohn's though I would not be diagnosed for another 2 years. I was tired all the time, with no energy to do any of the typical "college" things you would do when you go away to school. I had to give up running shortly after high school, simply because I just couldn't.

Over the last 15 years, there have been several times where I have wanted to get back to doing one of the things I loved, but I just wasn't physically able. I could run 1/4 or 1/2 mile, but that was about it. I had no stamina and could not build any because my body just wasn't ready. Until now...

I started running again back in the fall of last year. Slowly but surely I was able to run longer and farther. Then I hurt my knee of all things and had to stop for the last six weeks of the year. I decided I would start again this year as part of my New Year's resoltion. After running for the few weeks in the fall, I new I could and that my body was ready.

Fast forward from Jan. 1 to yesterday - I finished my first 100 miles of the year. This amount of time and running commitment is something that I never thought I would be able to do again in my lifetime, and honestly it was something the doctors told me I most likely would not be able to do. But here I am.

Someone asked me why running was important to me at this point in my life, I told them I am running for those with Crohn's who can't. There was a time when I could not have dreamed of doing this.

So, for those of you ready this who are early in your diagnosis, I hope that this story gives you hope & encouragement. Those things that you love but you may not be able to do now, do not give up hope that you will be able to do those things again. It may take time ( a lot of time for me ), but there is hope.

And for any of you who want to travel, but think you can't with Crohn's - click on Lizzi link in the authors section on the right. Check out where the Crohn's patient has spent the last 3 months.

Until next time...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Crohn's College Scholarship

Here's something I just read about thought I would put it out here to pass it on. Very, Very interesting. There is a college scholarship for Crohn's patients. I'm putting the link below in this post - but there is a link to the general website "Crohn's and Me" over in our list of crohn's websites.

I know there are lots of younger Crohn's patients out there & maybe something like this can help them with College. Wish I had had something like this back in the day.

Until next time...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Hello Fellow Crohnies!
Just a quick word from me by way of introduction. I am Gary, a forty two year old man living and working in the UK. Happily married to long suffering wife Lesley for the past fifteen years and blessed with a daughter, Emily, five years ago.

I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease at the beginning of March this year (after years of linked symptoms) and am currently in the 'finding out' phase, where everything is a challenge and a mystery and, to a certain extent, a fear. I say 'fear' lightly, because compared to the fears I had prior to diagnosis, well they're much reduced I can tell you! Though there still remain the kinds of fear every newly diagnosed patient will encounter - what will the treatments be? Will I ever feel 'normal' again? What are the risks? etc. etc.

I am in a massive learning curve and I started my own blog to record this journey. In doing so I came across a number of other related sites and blogs - Crohn Zone has been one of the most helpful, and they're a great bunch of people to chat to, scream at, moan to and generally vent all of the frustrations of the disease. The disease is so full of variety, has so many different manifestations, affects people in so many different ways and has so many different treatments it needs a Crohns Zone to pull everything together and share experiences - and, at times, have a light hearted swipe at it all. Check it out (link on the right)

I hope to be popping in here every once in a while to update on progress and share experiences with you.

Anyway, that's me for now. Thanks for listening.

Pretty Cool Story

If you ahve not visited the Crohn's Zone, it is worth checking out. The link is on the right. Pretty good sight for connecting, forums, and chats. If you get a chance & have some time to read...check it out.

I was there tonight and one of the threads in the forums takled about "the spoon theory." Didn't know what they were talking about but my curiosity was peaked. I'm going to put a link to this story at the bottom of this post. It is a great story for helping others understand what we as Crohn's patients go through daily.

FYI - I'm putting this in here as a link instead of copying and pasting because it is copyrighted. So if you happen to pass this on, please give credit where credit is due.

Click on the link here to read this story: But You Don't Look Sick

Until next time...

Medications. Medications. And more Medications!!!

I thought it might be interesting to talk about all the different medications that we take as Crohn's patients. I know there is lots of different stuff out there, and what works for one of us may not work for another. But it would still be an interesting excercise to see what everyone is currently taking and how you are doing with it, what you have taken in the past that maybe didn't work and why, or is there some new stuff out there that you intend to ask your doc about trying.

Currently, I'm on 1000mg of Pentasa 4 x day, 50mg of Imuran 1 x day, and 40mg of Omeprazole 1 x day. For me, this is probably the least amount of medications I have taken since I was diagnosed 15 years ago. When I was first diagnosed, I was taking about 40 pills a day. My medication now is primary preventative maintenance medication, since my Crohn's is currently in remission.

Share with us as much info as you want about your current medication. Themore info we have, the better it is for everyone.