Thursday, May 1, 2008

Surgery as part of life

So many of the stories I hear about Crohn's patients inevitably come back to a time when they had surgery. Whether it was early on in their diagnosis or later in life - it alays seems to come back to it.

My major surgery was back in January of 1999. My oldest daughter was about 6 months old. I had a resection of my small intestine and large intestine. Where my Crohn's was at, the place where the small & large intestine meets, was taken out. Unfortunately, as all Crohn's patients know - Crohn's never goes away. I was out of work for about 10 weeks, but it truely took me probably a year to fully get over the surgery. Honestly, where they made the incision in my stomach, I still have no sensation of touch for about 3 inches below the incision - which is a really freaky feeling.

I'm had some other minor stuff done - mostly surrounding fistulas, which seems to be pretty common for Crohn's patients as well. But no other surgery as major as my intestinal surgery.

So, that's my surgery story in a nutshell, I'm wondering if anyone else would care to share their surgery stories - either writing a post or commenting here. I'm sure we have a lot of people who would be interested in hearing what surgeries are going on and how everyone has dealt with them.

Until Next time...

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