Sunday, May 4, 2008

Weighty Issues.

In answer to Chad's comment on my recent blog post re weight gain whilst on steroids.

I forgot that 'Statesiders' describe their weight in pounds only, so clarification is needed when using the British term "Stones". My weight is currently 12 Stones exactly (written 12st). A stone is the UK Imperial Measurement for weight and is made up of fourteen pounds - so my weight is 168 pounds (168lbs) (12 x 14lbs).

It's a silly measurement in the same way that the old British currency was silly (240 pennies in a Pound (£)) but still widely used, although we should now have adopted the European standard of Kilogrammes I suppose, but I haven't got a clue what a pound or a stone equates to in Kilogrammes. (How anti-European Union of me!!)



Chadwick said...

That is interesting. I have never heard that terminology and I would have never guessed how it translated out into pounds.

See - I did learn something new this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Quiet impressive as well as interesting.I am not getting out how it will translated out into pounds.Can anyone help me out from this problem.